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Early March Newsletter

Hello EEC friends, community members, and environmental stewards! This is our pre-monthly meeting general newsletter. We hope to see you at our March 9th meeting! The birds are coming back, we are looking ahead to spring, and there is a lot to share and get involved with! On Thursday, we are going to hearing about an Edgewater trees exhibition and tree audit, a Great Lakes shoreline flooding project, and a Garden Compost Compliance Tool. Plus updates on all our focus areas and 2023 campaigns. Additionally, on the agenda is to vote on joining several campaigns and efforts, for more information in advance, they are:

We welcome everyone to join for our monthly meetings to discuss and learn more. We'll include information for involvement in our post-meeting newsletter and meeting summary as well. We look forward to seeing you soon! Our monthly meetings take place at 6:30 PM every second Thursday of the month, and they are all posted on Events. Our next meeting will take place on 3/9 at 6:30pm. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 763 961 6511 +13126266799,,7639616511#

New General EEC Flyer

Print, post, and share and help us spread the word about us!

Our Upcoming Events

Community Connections

Join a community garden in Edgewater!

Make a difference at our Berger Park Perennial, Pollinator and Butterfly Community Garden. Join our green team. Families, seniors, and all neighbors are welcome to work in our community gardens at Berger Park. “Vision, ideas and helping hands working together” Berger Park Cultural Center, 6205 N. Sheridan Rd. (You’ll Find our garden at the North End of the Park- between Granville & Rosemont) · Sign-up in March, April, May! · April 22 "Earth Day" Clean up the park Events), · May, June, July Dates for “Pitch in for the Parks” Events TBA · Perennial plantings in May (after the last frost) Sierra Club Donation! · Weekly and Monthly dates from April to October Contact: Raymond Wohl ≈ Berger Park Advisory Council Phone: (773) 414-9900

Edgewater's 2023 Monday Market

Vendor applications are now open for the 2023 Monday Market. The farmer's market will run every Monday 3-7pm June 5 - September 25. The market takes place in the Broadway Armory parking lot, 5917 N. Broadway. You'll find fresh produce, unique artisanal goods, pasties and other prepared foods. It will showcase more than 20 local vendors. This year the market is extend one extra month, ending September 25. APPLY NOW

March 14, 2023 meeting of Go Green Illinois will be "Promoting Natural Lawn Care and Native Habitat In Our Communities.

We will start with a talk by Pam Karlson, backyard habitat specialist featured in Doug Tallamy’s book, Nature’s Best Hope” on the “why” - just how critical this issue is for addressing climate change, and for the health of our communities and inhabitants - two legged, four-legged and winged. Then, the program will continue with a variety of speakers presenting on the “how.” Click here to register.

Circular Economy Leaders Network: Open Workshop, Tue, March 21, 2023, 1:00- 2:30 PM CDT Are you a local small business owner interested in implementing circular economy practices? And are you seeking to make connections with like-minded business owners? Join the CELN: Spring Equinox Event for the opportunity to enjoy facilitated networking and learning, as we kick off a season of blossoming. All small business owners are welcome! Register here.

5300 N. Kenmore Ave.

CDC approved $3 million in TIF support for Steep Theater Co.'s plans for a 70-seat theater in Edgewater. The $5 million project will rehab an existing 3,500-square-foot building and construct an 1,800-square-foot addition on the property.

Springfield Lobby Day 2023 April 19, 2023 is the date for Sierra Club's annual Lobby Day, co-organized by the Illinois Environmental Council and partners across the state. After two years of virtual lobby days, we're excited to come back to an in-person event. Lobby Day is an annual event where environmentalists come together to fight for green legislation that protects Illinoisans and our natural environment. You'll join a group of constituents and speak to your state representative and senator. A sign up link will be available soon!

2023 Montrose Dunes Stewardship Contact Montrose Dunes <> to get on the new mailing list. More information here.

Edgewater Mutual Aid Network (EMAN) Food Distribution: Saturdays 12-1:30pm. Free Groceries distributed at Edgewater Presbyterian Church (1020 W Bryn Mawr). Come by to meet your neighbors, share recipes and pick up what you need. Volunteers are needed for March!

In Case You Missed It

EEC Parkway for Pollinators 2023 Update: We're Back!! And we are so excited to continue planting! Join EEC and others in transforming public spaces into native gardens and pollinator habitats!! For full program information click here.



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