Looking for a fun and rewarding Sunday afternoon activity? Join EEC in the installation of 1000+ native plants, litter pickup, trail mulching, and invasive plant removal on September 25th with other community members! Click here for further event information.
Our main activities for the day will be planting 1500+ new native plants coming from the Park District. District staff will be onsite to help.
An RSVP is helpful for this one so I can know a headcount for tools & capacity - please RSVP here! https://www.edgewaterenvironmentalcoalition.org/events We are getting 1500 stolons of Dune Grass to plant in the open sand on the north of the beach, plus Jack pines (Pinus banskiana), Bearbarry (Arctostaphylos uav-ursi), Leadplant, June grass, Cylindrival Blazing Star , Horse Mint, and Prairie Petunia.
For the dune grasses, we will work in teams with stakes/rebar putting holes in the sand, for an efficient and unique (and fast) method for planting in the sand.
The planting will involve bringing water up from the lake, digging holes, and tucking the new plant friends into their new homes, helping our goal to further diversity the dunes and maintain the north end of the natural area.
As time allows, we will also do regular activities of trash pickup, tree sapling management, rope repair, and taking time to appreciate the natural beauty, native species, and abundance of the area.
Bring your friends and neighbors and family, all hands are needed for this September day!