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January 6th Pre-Meeting Monthly Newsletter

Including the agenda for our first 2023 monthly meeting, alder candidate forums, landfill diversion opportunities, and our new policy platform!

Hello EEC friends, community members, and environmental stewards! This is our monthly pre-meeting general newsletter. We hope to see you at our upcoming general monthly meeting 1/12 at 6:30pm On the agenda: ICJC Chicago building decarbonization campaign updates, our 48th Ward Alder Candidate Town Hall on Environmental Issues 2/4, our new policy platform, updates on teardowns and development, 2022 accomplishments, and 2023 annual planning. When you’re able and ready, we invite you to take action with us by attending meetings and events, speaking out about environmental issues, and even joining or proposing a project. EEC holds monthly meetings for members of the group and the public to share action items, project updates, and other announcements. It's a friendly space to introduce yourself and get connected! Meetings are at 6:30 PM every second Thursday of the month, and they are all posted on Upcoming Events. ​ If you'd like to formally add an agenda item, please email at least 10 days in advance for consideration. We're open to all items that support our mission and vision. We look forward to seeing you soon! Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 763 961 6511 +13126266799,,7639616511#

Recent Happenings

New Policy Platform

In EEC's mission, we bring a green voice to local challenges. Our strategic intentions are to serve as a community voice on environmental issues. Specifically to develop an annual advocacy agenda to advance and support key advocacy issues. This new platform represents what we stand for to inform the positions and efforts the organization support as well as what we want our elected officials to as well. Candidates should support these environmental principles. We support these specific practices and others as advocacy opportunities arise.

2022 Annual Accomplishments

Our Upcoming Events

  • EEC Monthly Meeting RSVP Jan 12, 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM CST

  • Save the date: 2/4 48th Ward Alder Candidate Town Hall on Environmental Issues

  • Last Saturday of the month: Litter Free Edgewater Clean Up

Community Connections

48TH Ward Candidate Forum | Register Here Come hear from the candidates for the 48th Ward share their views on a variety of topics, ranging from economic development to transportation and sustainability. Large group discussions will start at 1:15 p.m.

EcoShip Care for Real Collection Drive Collection drive coming up on January 14th, with Care for Friends (a nonprofit based in Edgewater) and we need help getting the word out. The collection drive will help divert pounds of packaging materials from landfills. Instead, the items will be reused to distribute food to those in need or by other businesses. Interested in coordinating with EEC? Email Jonathan Jackson <>

IEC Quick Click Action: CEJA’s clean energy projects under attack Radical campaigns to ban— that’s right, ban— local clean energy projects in Illinois have picked up steam, and we need your help to stop them.

In Case You Missed It


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