Hello EEC friends, community members, and environmental stewards! This is our monthly pre-meeting general newsletter. We do not have a monthly meeting in December. We hope to see you at our 11/10 final general meeting for 2022! On the 10th, we will have an update on a building decarbonization meeting EEC members are having with with Alder Osterman. We will continue discussions on Osterman's green legacy and keep active leading up to the alder elections with work on our policy priorities and forums to educate and share about environment, climate, and sustainability topics. Remember to VOTE YES for the Forest Preserves for the 11/8 election and we'll see you Saturday at our Pumpkin Smash! We are currently hiring for our next intern, details here, applications due by 12/6. We look forward to seeing you soon! Our monthly meetings take place at 6:30 PM every second Thursday of the month (excluding December), they are all posted on Upcoming Events. Our next meeting will take place on 11/10. Conference Info: Meeting ID: 829 1770 2982 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82917702982 +13126266799,,82917702982# US View Meeting Agenda HERE
Recent Happenings
If you used the free compost distributed from Gateway Garden this year, please read this important updated information.
A HUGE thank you to the 106 volunteers that joined in for beach stewardship this year totaling 324 stewardship hours! We planted, we picked up, we pulled, we spread, we collected, and we had fun!
On a lovely evening at the end of September, community members came to 6018North for an Herbalism event as part of EEC's Community Resiliency Campaign. Then we again gathered in mid-October with local Scrap Squad artists to learn how to sew and repair fabrics. After eating and drinking refreshments from Axum Ethiopian, we covered skills such as the running stitch, threading and knotting methods, and Sashiko mending techniques. Thank you to the Edgewater Chamber of Commerce and SSA #26 for the support and funding of these events!
Our Upcoming Events
Last Saturday of the month: Litter Free Edgewater Clean Up
West Ridge Nature Park Stewardship Days: 11/19, 12/17
Winter Solstice Gathering: 12/21
48th Ward Alder Election Environmental Town Hall: TBD See All Events
Community Connections
IEC's Bring Back the Department of the Environment Campaign Update If you’ve been keeping up with IEC’s work in the city this year, then you may be familiar with our campaign to bring back Chicago’s Department of Environment, which was closed a decade ago leaving city government in a lurch to handle a number of pressing environmental issues. The proposed budget brings us a step closer to this goal, although without fully delivering on a permanent, dedicated Department of Environment. Rather, the 2023 budget would create an Office of Climate and Environmental Equity, expanding the size of the city’s current sustainability team. While this announcement is not everything we’ve been calling for, it is potentially a critical step toward making the city more sustainable and more equitable. Click here to read my response to the Mayor’s proposed budget in the Daily Line. - Iyana Simba, IEC City Programs Director.
New data to help communities understand their emissions The Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning’s (CMAP) newly updated greenhouse gas emissions inventory shows that between 2010 and 2019, overall emissions in northeastern Illinois decreased by 9 percent — or about 1 percent each year. For the first time, CMAP released individualized data summaries by county, community, and Chicago neighborhood that provide a snapshot of emissions from the building, transportation, and waste sectors.