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October Meeting & Happenings (Pre-Meeting Newsletter)

Hello EEC friends, community members, and environmental stewards! For our October 13th general monthly meeting we'll be discussing: Oaktober, the Illinois Clean Jobs Coalition's 'Clean Air, Clean Buildings' campaign, the Illinois New Green Deal Coalition, Alder's green legacies, issue advocacy with the upcoming elections, tree planting, seed collecting, a new seed library, our 3rd annual Pumpkin Smash and more! We have an October full of educational and fun events. We look forward to seeing you soon! Our monthly meetings take place at 6:30 PM every second Thursday of the month, they are all posted on Upcoming Events. Our next meeting will take place on 10/13. Conference Info: Meeting ID: 829 1770 2982 +13126266799,,82917702982# US

Event Recap: Community Air Research Experience, Summer 2022 Research Results

EEC in partnership with CARE attended a poster presentation session on “Summer 2022 Air Quality Results” at Loyola’s School of Environmental Sustainability. Representatives from EEC went to hear staff and students present on their first round of results. Student researchers spoke to personal connections to air and air pollution, as well as opportunities for improvement, disparities across neighborhoods, how weather conditions and industry affect air pollution, and suggestions for further research. We thank and wish this first cohort the best in their future studies and look forward to advising and learning more with the next cohort!

Our Upcoming Events

To volunteer for the Pumpkin Smash, email Nina @

Community Connections


More information and SHARE this Facebook event.

A PLAY AT LOYOLA ABOUT THE ENVIRONMENT Written by Marisela Treviño Orta | Directed By Denise Yvette Serna In a potentially parallel timeline where a climate apocalypse has wiped out animals and insects, an entomologist and her brother follow a migration of monarch butterflies to what they hope is the last viable place on earth. Their encounter with a young group that fled the city to a truffle farm leads to earnest realizations and interpersonal conflict about acclimating beyond the world they once knew. With wit, whimsy, and the forces of nature, Marisela Treviño Orta’s Somewhere speculates on climate refugee migration, science vs the supernatural, environmental sustainability, and how shifts in the globe make changes in ourselves. "We are in relationship with the planet, and we rely on the planet, and the planet consumes and destroys, regenerates and decomposes." - Denise Yvette Serna, Director Tickets here!

Vote Yes Campaign News and Updates Big news! Vote Yes has received positive media coverage from numerous Cook County publications recently – including endorsements from both the Chicago Tribune and Chicago Sun-Times editorial boards!

In Case You Missed It

  • Interested in working on Edgewater Seed Libraries or taking the lead on 2-stroke engine organizing? Email to let us know!

  • Plant 1000+ native plants with us! On Sunday October 30th from 10:30-12:30pm, EEC is hosting beach stewardship workdays at the Kathy Osterman Beach dunes. Join us for the planting of native species, litter pickup, trail mulching, invasive plant removal, and plan identification with other community members! RSVP here to help get all hands on deck in restoration of these beach dunes!

  • We've posted new "Topics" on the website, and information on Air, Water, Green Buildings, Green Schools, and Sustainable Development are available to use and share as resources.


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