Hello EEC friends, community members, and environmental stewards!
The 48th Ward's participatory budget voting is now open. If you want your voice heard, head to their website and vote for what you want to see added to the neighborhood. Act quick, voting ends on October 4th. To see just some of the proposed projects, view the images below.
To read the full newsletter, click the button below!
September Meeting Highlights
In our last meeting, we discussed many ways to get involved this Fall. We heard from the 40th ward about several opportunities, including Parkways for Pollinators, an electrification working group, and a composting working group. We listened to a plan to bring Climate Circles to the Edgewater Library and discussed the future of the Vedgewater Community Garden. See the full newsletter for the complete highlights!
Upcoming Events
Monthly Meetings: 10/10, 11/14
10/15 Dig In: Seed Saving To Reduce Costs, Share, Grow From Seeds RSVP
Vedgewater Volunteer Days: 15th of the month April - Nov
Natural Area Stewardship: Last Sunday (mostly) of the Month April-October
Last Saturday of the month: Litter-Free Edgewater Clean-Up
Make Sure to check out the rest of the Newsletter to see what is going on in the community and more!
