Monthly Newsletter
Hello EEC friends, community members, and environmental stewards! This newsletter includes our August meeting summary as well as upcoming events and new happenings! In our August meeting, brainstormed strategies for Park 559, shared updates on our composting campaign, and heard from the Vote Yes for Clean Air, Clean Water, and Wildlife campaign. Take action in support of this conservation referendum and sign the Vote Yes pledge here. We look forward to seeing you soon! Our monthly meetings take place at 6:30 PM every second Thursday of the month, and they are all posted under upcoming events. Join us at our next meeting on 9/8. Conference Information Meeting ID: 829 1770 2982 +13126266799,,82917702982# US
Recording passcode: 1=V=D+0^
Meeting Highlights
Last week, the Chicago Climate Action Plan Neighborhood Workshop brought together community members to discuss what climate change looks like in Edgewater and set strategies to take action. Read more about the event here in our recent blog post
Do you have a parkway in need of more foliage? Submit your request for a free tree by Wednesday, August 24th through the Openlands Treekeepers tree planting grant! See our blog post here for additional information and criteria
Calling for volunteers! EEC is planning our 3rd annual Pumpkin Smash composting event on Saturday, November 5th, and we need volunteers for greeting, coordinating, and pumpkin smashing! Contact Nina at if you're interested in helping out!
Our Upcoming Events
Farmers Market at Broadway Armory: 8/29
Hollywood Beach Stewardship Days: 8/28, 9/25, 10/30
West Ridge Nature Park Stewardship Days: 9/17, 10/15, 11/19, 12/17
Herbalism Workshop Save the Date: 9/27
Scrap Squad and Mending Event Save the Date: 10/20
Pumpkin Smash Save the Date: 11/5
Litter Free Edgewater Clean Up: Last Saturday of the month
Vedgewater Volunteer Days, assorted Saturdays and weekdays
Remaining 2022 monthly general meetings: 9/8, 10/13, 11/10
Community Connections
Sustainable Sustenance Conversational Dinner Join the discussion! On Tuesday, September 13th from 7-9pm, the Terra Foundation for American Art will be hosting a discourse centered on Chicago's land, water, and air, and both the histories of and methods for approaching environmental challenges. RSVP here to share your perspective and hear the thoughts of other community members, artists, historians, and environmental stewards!
Depave Chicago The network of Depavers reached Chicago! Launching in 2022-2023, this program combats runoff pollution and the urban heat island effect by replacing unused paved spaces with pollinator gardens, parkway trees, small forests, and other green spaces. Propose an area to depave for a pilot project with this form, and sign up here to volunteer!
2022 Green Team Summit Virtual Event Hear Dr. Katharine Hayhoe's keynote address on Sunday, September 11th from 5-6:30pm! Dr. Hayhoe, an author, atmospheric scientist, TED speaker, and winner of the UN Champion of the Environment award, will discuss climate change updates and strategies to make the issue both more inclusive and approachable. Register here for this free virtual session!
47th Ward Green Council Town Halls Attend negotiation updates during a ComEd Franchise Agreement town hall meeting; Wednesday, August 24th at 6pm, the 47th Ward Green Council will be hosting a virtual event of community members, policy experts, and environmental advocates to set high-achieving renewable energy goals that still consider consumers' financial capacity. The following week, Wednesday, August 31st at 6:30pm, learn about the creation of an Urban Forestry Advisory Board in Chicago, how to get involved, and the city's tree canopy during an Urban Forestry virtual town hall event. Register here to join the renewable energy discourse on 8/24 and here to learn more about Chicago's tree canopy on 8/31.
Edgewater Historical Society's 20th Anniversary Celebrate twenty years of preserving local voices, stories, and traditions with Edgewater Historical Society! On Sunday, October 2nd from 3-7pm, the museum will be hosting an afternoon of food, drinks, live music, and a silent auction at 5358 N Ashland, Chicago. RSVP here to join the anniversary festivities!