Hello EEC friends, community members, and environmental stewards!
Join for our final general 2024 monthly meeting 11/14 6:30-8 on Zoom and at 6018|North Kenmore. We'll have time to reflect on recent news, hear year-end project and campaign updates, and continue organizing and advocacy plans.
We'll also see you at the Park 559 Tree Planting 11/9, Pumpkin Smash 11/9 and Vedgewater's Harvest Party 11/16 to close out outdoor volunteering season.
Next month, join us 12/12 for a Participatory Budgeting Meeting with the 48th Ward and we're thinking about a holiday festivity too!
We look forward to seeing you soon!
Conference Info: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/7639616511
Meeting ID: 763 961 6511 - +13126266799,,7639616511#