Time & Location
June 29th, 6:00PM - 8:00PM
Vedgewater Garden
6314 N Broadway,
Chicago, IL 60660, USA
Come to enjoy wild foods and learn about urban foraging, including how to eat the weeds that grow in your garden! This class will focus on responsible foraging practices and strategies for getting started right in our neighborhood, taught by wild foods educator Natalie Evans. The class is free to attend, hosted by Edgewater Environmental Coalition and Vedgewater Garden.
We will begin enjoying the wild food picnic at 6, with the walk starting around 6:30. We will stay in the garden area and walk around on surfaces that are somewhat uneven. We will wrap up the walk around 7:30 with lots of time to linger, ask questions and get to know your neighbors! The event will be entirely outdoors, masks not required.
View event information and RSVP here: