Launched our new website and newsletter platform with an ongoing information campaign on sustainability resources
Finalized new Strategic Intentions and policy platform goals
Launched our Community Resilience Workshop series, including a Summer Solstice event, a Wild Edible Picnic and Plant Walk, a Climate Action Plan workshop, an Herbalism workshop, a Mending Fair, a Pumpkin Smash, and a Community Disaster Preparedness and Mutual Aid event. Supported with a grant from the Edgewater Chamber of Commerce and SSA #26
Launched our Parkways for Pollinators program with 30+ sites to transform public spaces into pollinator forage and habitats that can remediate soil and capture carbon
Diverted 4.6 tons of food waste from landfills with our third annual Pumpkin Smash composting event
Keep scrolling for monthly breakdowns, outreach stats, and financials.
Conducted our Annual Planning meeting to develop priority projects, actions, and initiatives
Organized with NorthCenter Recycling at 7 locations, collecting 1,382 pounds of holiday light to recycle
Began contributions as a community partner to the Community Air Research Experience (CARE) Project, a geoscience learning community that engages underrepresented undergraduates in local pollution research
Joined ICJC (Illinois Clean Jobs Coalition) & its Chicago Building Decarbonization Working Group
Joined a virtual Environmental Lobby Day with the Illinois Environmental Council
Kicked-off our new Advisory Committee
Hosted the One Earth Film Festival with the Andersonville Chamber of Commerce to show Plastic Bag Store: The Film, which provided a sense of comedy and community amidst larger climate change commentary
Visited the Edgewater Historical Museum for a new exhibit on Indigenous history in Edgewater as part of the Indigenous Art and Space Service Learning Project
Joined Loyola’s Virtual 2022 Climate Change Conference
Reviewed Chicago’s 2022 Climate Action Plan draft as an organization
Introduced our Parkways for Pollinators program with 30+ sites to transform public spaces into pollinator forage and habitats that can remediate soil and capture carbon
Began our 2022 Osterman/Hollywood Beach & West Ridge Stewardship for weed and trash removal, native plantings, and habitat restoration
Volunteered under the Vedgewater project for Chicago’s Clean & Green Day of Service
Conducted our first free native plant distribution under the Parkway for Pollinators project
Entered into our 3rd year with the Andersonville Chamber of Commerce providing a native planters program.
Launched our new website and newsletter platform with an ongoing information campaign on sustainability resources, and updated our monthly meetings to be 6:30pm on the second Thursday of every month
Began providing fresh harvests to the Edgewater Mutual Aid Network’s free food distribution on Saturdays at Bryn Mawr and Kenmore
Conducted a Tree Identification and Meditation Walk
Celebrated the Summer Solstice at Meditation Point on the Kathy Osterman Beach with meditation, a history and ecology walk, and natural area engagement
Supported the ongoing Chicago Sustainability Forum to discuss sustainability in Chicago and its barriers and strategies
Conducted a Wild Edible Picnic and Plant Walk to explore responsible foraging practices and strategies for wild foods in Edgewater
Reached 300+ community members with our support and tabling at the farmers market at Broadway Armory
Hosted a Chicago Climate Action Plan workshop to reflect on climate change impacts in Edgewater, including creation of a vision plan for Edgewater, with a presentation from Kyra Woods with the city’s Sustainability team. Read Chicago’s 2022 Climate Action Plan here
Received a Treekeepers Tree Planting Grant from Openlands to facilitate canopy growth in Edgewater, which has been postponed until 2023 in the interest of resource distribution equity
Joined Out In Nature Chicago for a Kathy Osterman Beach stewardship day
Hosted an Herbalism Workshop, led by Reverend Kim Crutcher, to explore plant medicine including their histories and healing potentials
Celebrated Indigenous Peoples' Day with the Indigenous People’s Day Coalition of Illinois
Attended a poster presentation session on “Summer 2022 Air Quality Results” from Loyola University Chicago’s cohort of the Community Air Research Experience (CARE)
Led a Parkway for Pollinators Bike Ride Garden Tour to build skills around plant identification and seed collection
Guided our last Vedgewater Community Garden work day of 2022
Hosted a Mending Fair, led by Scrap Squad artists, to learn techniques for sewing and repairing fabrics including cultivation of a circular economy for clothing production
Led a Kathy Osterman Beach stewardship day centered on planting 1500+ native plants in the natural area dunes
Diverted 4.6 tons of food waste from landfills with our third annual Pumpkin Smash composting event
Advocated for the Vote Yes referendum to fund the Forest Preserves of Cook County, which passed on midterm elections
Led a Parkway for Pollinators Seed Saving event at Loyola’s Institute for Environmental Sustainability
Finalized new Strategic Intentions and policy platform goals
Co-hosted the Community Disaster Preparedness and Mutual Aid event with the Edgewater Mutual Aid Network to provide practical tips for community safety, especially in winter months
Held a Winter Solstice Gathering annual holiday party to celebrate the solstice by reflecting on the new season and conducting a solstice ritual
Finalized our coalition’s new Policy Platform
Mailing List: 760
Facebook Followers: 931
Instagram Followers: 855
Twitter Followers: 65
Current bank balance: $5,556.01
Annual spend YTD: $2,993.12
All annual accomplishment summaries are linked and available on the "My Impact" page of our website.
Thank you to Katherine, Killian, and Renee for there efforts putting this year's together!